The Litigation Funding Forum is your single greatest resource for getting up-to-the-moment information from the brightest minds in the business.
The Litigation Funding Forum - March 26, 2020
09:00 AM
09:05 AM
State of the Litigation Funding Market (Panel)

Emily Slater, Managing Director - Panelist
Burford Capital

Andrew Langhoff, Founder/Managing Director - Moderator
Red Bridges Advisors

Roni Elias, Asset Manager - Panelist
TownCenter Partners

Boaz Weinstein, Co-founder & Principal - Speaker
Lake Whillans
10:45 AM
Morning Break
11:50 AM
Lunch Break
01:00 PM
02:15 PM
Afternoon Break
02:35 PM
03:00 PM
03:25 PM
04:00 PM